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Change the mindset of over consumption in consumers. Over consumption would cease or decrease if consumers were exposed to the effects of fast fashion pollution on the world, and how these brands and themselves are implicated in the violation and destruction of the environment and others.



There is a film that greatly inspired my thesis work called the Story of Stuff by Annie Leonard. The film discusses the five-steps in how products live out their life, starting with extraction of materials and ending with their inevitable disposal. This process is not a linear one, though we often think of it as one. 

The process is a cycle, one for which our planet does not have infinite resources to support, and at a rate where we are creating and disposing more than we know what to do with. 

Most people think that their role is just in consumption and eventually disposal, however in consuming goods we are also partaking in and supporting the three-steps before, being extraction, production, and distribution. 

With knowledge comes power and that is where my app design comes in. With this user friendly app we can educate ourselves on who and what we are supporting when we purchase from certain companies. 

In this digital age the easiest, and most effective way to reach any audience is through our phones. Creating an app that will supply consumers with information about clothing companies: i.e.— how their materials are sourced, the treatments of employees, working conditions, where their factories are located, etc. will break and bridge the barrier between company’s manufacturing and consumer. Through this exposure of how, what, why and who  these items are manufactured by and at what cost to the environment and others; will polarize to consumers the negative, unseen side of fashion waste. 

Fashion pollution is one of the leading contributors to the world’s pollution, it is the byproduct of the idea: out with the old, in with the new—a notion that promotes over consumption by everyday consumers. The solution is education and transparency, knowing who, and where one’s clothing came from is crucial in making more ethical decisions. Researching brands to find out where they stand on the ethical spectrum is just one step in the direction of becoming a more conscious consumer. Now spreading awareness about these brands will be at everyone’s fingertips.


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